Get to know Me

Nice to meet you...

My name is Michelle. That's Michelle with 2 L's.
I'm a full time mommy of 3. All girls too!! A 10 year old, a 3 year old and a 7 month old. I no longer have any hair because they have somehow managed to get me to pull it all out! lol! When I'm not devoting all my time to my kiddos and my soon to be but we'll just call him hubby. I'm here on this computer typing away on this here blog (which I'm still trying to get the hang of) ...OR my head is buried deep in a book (most of the time with a coffee by my side).  I pretend way to much that I'm not the nerd my hubby claims me to be, but in all actuality I'm an even bigger one and I'm really Okay with that :)

I really got into reading books about 2 years ago in Feb. of 2012. I was drinking entirely to much booze and quickly loosing the family I worked so hard to get. My husband suggested that I pick up a hobby, do something that will spark an interest, get my mind of drinking all the time. So I remembered how I loved to read when I was younger, you know before puberty when things were a whole lot simpler in life. Before school made you read those horribly boring books that made you snooze instead of soar through the pages.
I went and picked up The Hunger Games, book 1, because it was on sale and everyone was talking about the movie that was coming out soon. So I thought, "Well damn! I'll just start with that book. It's gotta be a good one if they're making a movie out of it." Yep!! Read that in a day in a half. But by then I was growing aggravated and annoyed. Reading? I don't want this book, I want some BOOZE dammit, is all that was going through my head. My husband came home with Catching Fire and Mocking Jay, a grocery bag full of candy, a 12 pack of Pepsi, some bottled water and told me that he has taken the rest of the week off and to do what I gotta do to kick this shit out of my system!! That was that. I locked myself in my room with my survival kit, only to let myself out to use the bathroom to 1, 2 & 3!! (think about it) and Taaa Daaaa!!!

I love to read, chat, collect, review and recommend books. I have a lot of fun doing it so I thought Why not try a hand at blogging?!?!?! It's a lot harder than I thought but slowing and surely I'll get the hang of it. Just need you guys to hang in there with me til I get it all figured out!
But hey! Who really figures it all out right?!?! lol

So I went from bottles to books, booze to blogs and I'm lovin' every minute of it!!!

Stick around guys and Let's chat books ~n~ stuff!!!!!!!!

Happy Reading Y'all


  1. You are seriously so cute, and I love your glasses!

    1. Eeeeekkkkkk!!! No you are :)
      Thanks lovely xoxox ♥

  2. That is such an inspiring story Michelle and congratulations for kicking an unhealthy addiction for one that will change your life for the better. Happy reading!

  3. I went to a work tailgate party during the baseball playoffs- heavy drinking is done on a Tuesday with the expectation that everyone at the party shows up to work ready to go on Wednesday. My boss had brought along Detoxicated hangover support to share with all of us to ensure that we wouldn’t miss work. Originally, I doubted that it worked, but the next day much to all of our surprise we all were at work and felt pretty good- no hangover headaches, upset stomachs or fatigue… kinda like a miracle pill if you ask me. Best Dihydromyricetin


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